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International Conference on


Conference Registration:

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  1. If you are submitted paper you should register as a presenter/call paper.  To be able to register as a presenter you must submit an abstract first at the following link Abstract Submission .

  2. If you are a listener without submitted paper you should register as an attendee/non presenter .

  3. Please go through the following information before you register. We have structured a comprehensive price table for providing you with the best returns from the conference.

  4. If you are elements about the category you belong to please  contact  the organizing committee for more details.

  5. All fees, excluding hotels and flights to the venue at Ternate .



Rp. 1,000,000

Facilities: ​​

  1. All Conference Access & Seminar Kit

  2. Presented The Paper

  3. Welcome Dinner

  4. One day field trip

  5. ISBN E-Proceeding


Non Presenter

Rp. 750,000

Facilities: ​​

  1. All Conference Access & Seminar Kit

  2. Welcome Dinner

  3. One day field trip

Call Paper Timeline :

Conference Fees:

Abstract Submission: October  15th 2021

Announcement of Accepted Abstracts:
October 20th 2021

Submission of Full Paper:
November 5th 2021

Payment can pay conference fee to Bank Account:

BNI: 1135480485 (Muhammad Mufti M Djafar)

If you have already paid, please confirm the payment at the link below, along with uploading Bank Notes

Last Registration :
November 10th 2021

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