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International Conference on
Covid-19 Pandemic Policy
We are very concentrated on your health and safety so we make policies related to Covid-19, This policy of the Committee of 4th International Conference on Victimology to comply with all guidelines introduced by Indonesia Ministry of Health and local governments related to COVID-19 health practices. These guidelines were created to help us all stay safe and healthy.
1. The committee obliges all parties at the conference venue to wear masks and is prohibited from removing or loosening them during the meeting.
2. Every activity in the conference will be at least 1 meter away from each person including the eating activity. Each activity is designed to minimize physical contact between participants.
3. Each participant will be required to wash their hands before entering the meeting room and the committee will provide a hand sanitizer at each strategic place at conference venue.
4. To ensure the capacity of the conference room does not exceed the regulations, will only be limited to a maximum of 200 person (presenters and non-presenters).
5. The committee forbids everyone with health symptoms such as fever, Cough ,Difficulty breathing, Loss of sense of smell or taste, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting. If the committee finds participants with these symptoms, they will be quarantined in a special room.
6. The committee will recommend hotels around the venue that have implemented the Covid-19 protocol well. from and to the venue, the committee will provide transportation for the participants.
7. If you are traveling from abroad to Indonesia, you need to pay attention to the quarantine provisions based on the Indonesian Ministry of Health & Ministry of Foreign Affairs regulations.
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